Monday, October 17, 2011

Four Roundabouts and an endorphin

Yesterday I walked home from cern, which takes about an hour. I thought my landlady (Yiota) said it was around 9 kilometers, but it seems to be closer to five (I walk fast). It was quite a lovely walk!

Fall is my favorite time of year and it was a gorgeous day. The walk takes me through four roundabouts (anglais pour rond-points) and through some nice little French neighborhoods. The sun was up, the leaves were yellow and red, and it was quite nice.

As I mentioned earlier I tend to go up and down after I move, and though this trip hasn't been so bad, there have been some minor downs and as I was walking home I hit one. Until the endorphins kicked in from walking. By the time I was half way home I felt great! So the moral of the story is if you're ever feeling stressed or upset or down in the dumps, pick a nice place and start walking! Its the natural narcotic.

Saint-Genis-Pouilly is a delightful little town on that part of France that tries to swallow Geneva, just across the border. It has been there for centuries, but really got going in the modern era largely thanks to CERN and the business and people that it brought to the area. There are some good restaurants, markets, wine shops (its France. I imagine if there are three buildings in a town it would be a house, a market, and a wine shop. And the market would have wine.), neighborhoods and apartments. Once in St. Genis my walk was along quiet roads lined by maple trees, schools, and the occasional park. In one of the schools I saw some kind of martial arts class going on. I didn't get a close enough look to see what kind, and a lot of the gis (uniforms) are similar.

I managed to find my house with no troubles thanks to my impeccable sense of direction. And the directions I printed out to avoid getting lost. That's all for now scientites! Enjoy that image of balletic Scientists!
P.S. Please comment! I love comments!


  1. hint: scientites = science tights.

  2. Hey, find out all about time travel for me while you are over there! ;) ~ Mordakai

  3. You have inspired me to at least think about walking.
